Friday, June 26, 2009

I wish there was a garbage disposal in our tub!

I tell, ya, I've scooped so many solid bits of 'food' (in various states of digestion) out of our tub the past 3 weeks, that I wish I could flush my tub like a toilet or run the garbage disposal on it! It's REALLY gross! Anyway, this instance of tub cleaning was at least food that hadn't been puked or pooped out. Noah is a messy messy eater and loves to smear food in his hair and on his shirt, pants and high chair. This was a particularly messy dinner and I was at a loss at how to even start cleaning him since everything was covered. Chad said to just put him in the tub, and so I did! Worked pretty well! I got the chair, clothes and kid clean!
(the 'before' picture doesn't really capture how gross he really is. But he had a layer of slime all over him!)

(Sorry for the constant potty theme's in my past 3 posts. We've been dealing with way too much bathroom yuk for the past 3 weeks. Can't get it out of my mind or the smell out of my house!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The potty talk has begun

At our house, we like to sing a song from Signing Times that talks about our favorite pizza toppings...."I like ice cream on my pizza. I like ice cream pizza, please. Put some ice cream on my pizza, don't forget the extra cheese." Then you add lots of funny toppings like crackers, candy, apples, etc. Well, I started the song off and then it was Kai's turn to add a topping. Out of nowhere he sings, "I like poop on my pizza, I like poop pizza, please...." I was pretty surprised, because he's never made poop jokes before or thought potty talk was funny. I guess it had to start sometime. With 3 little boys I know that eventually all I'll hear are fart jokes and stuff, but I thought I had a little more time!! Anyway, I had to stifle my giggle (because I guess I'm juevenile enough to still think potty talk is funny) and did the appropriate 'mom thing' and said that we don't sing about eating poop. I can only fend off the incoming tide for so long!!

2 Minutes Too Late

I was finishing up brushing my teeth when Chad popped his head in the bathroom and said, "Oh, don't use that red cup. Kai used it during bath-time to cover his penis while he pee'd."

*Sigh* Can't a poor mom just rinse out her mouth with a clean cup? :)

Moving are some pictures of Kai reading the twins their bedtime stories. What a sweet big brother!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Noah Crawled!!!!

He just up and crawled across the width of the rug (~7-8 steps)!!! I cheered and he looked at me like he didn't know what I was cheering for. Often when he accomplishes something he has a huge grin and soaks up the praise, but it really seemed like he didn't even know he did it. I am so happy for him! (and for us too...we've been working hard trying to strengthen him so he could learn to crawl). AND he did this on a day when he's pretty sick. He was vomiting and had a high fever all yesterday and then woke up this morning COVERED in liquid poo....blankie, the bumper, mattress, stuffed animals and Noah were all covered. But, Noah picks this day to crawl for the first time!! Can't keep him down for long!!!! Yay, Noah!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Going Green

Kai was in the car with me today as I got gas for the van. I told him that gas makes the car go just like food makes us go and that it's kind of like the car is eating gas. Kai started to laugh and said, "Car eats grass!?" He mis-heard what I said, but no matter how much I tried to enunciate "gas" he hung onto the "grass" thing and kept saying it..."Car eats GRASS!"