Friday, September 18, 2009

Labor Day Weekend At Nan & Grandpa Chet's

This is a montage of the kids riding on a train for the first time. We go by this little train every time we go up to see Nan and Grandpa, but this was the first time that Kai was willing and able to ride it. Zeze and Kai were SO excited to ride this train! The rest of us were kind of along for the ride. :)

This is Kai and Chet walking down to see the green tractor. Big excitement as Kai was willing to first sit on the tractor by himself and then take a ride with Grandpa. In May (not gluten/dairy free) he wouldn't even go near it b/c it was too scary. This time he rode around for about 20 mins!!!! Yay, Kai!!!!

Look at the smile on his face! I'm so proud of him!


ShirleyNewLife said...

Great photos of the train ride.
Love the photos of Kai with Nan and Grandpa -- and riding the tractor. Kai is doing so great on the GF/DF diet. I'm so thankful that it's helping. Debby, great job with all the work, shopping, cooking, and baking to provide GF/DF food.

Today at Dad's work they had "pot luck lunch". Everyone had committed to make Gluten Free food. Only 1 person actually did it - GF spaghetti. Yeah, it's a lot more difficult and MORE EXPENSIVE than anyone realizes.

Christy said...

LOVED the pictures! It looks like you all had a great time. Kai seems so relaxed and happy and ready for new adventures. Debby, I echo what your mom said - you are doing an AMAZING job! I am so thankful that God made you aware of how your (collective) diets were effecting the family and know that it is a lot of work to make these lifestyle changes. However, these pictures prove that your hard work is paying off. You are supermom!!!

Heather Vitella said...

Good job Debby! It is so great to see Kai with less anxiety, more able to enjoy the "adventures" that life brings his way. You work so hard for him!!!!