Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Updated pictures

Hey Everyone!  Thank you so much for reading and spreading the word about Sergei!  I was thinking, and realized that most people have about 100 'friends' on Facebo*k.  If each of those people donated only $5 then Sergei would have $500 just from ONE person's contacts and friends!  That is amazing!  We can do this, people!  We can raise a substantial amount of money so that somebody on the fence about adopting Sergei might be nudged forward once the $$ hurdle is reduced.

Imagine if you all had a part in helping Sergei find a family!!!!  I already feel so honored that so many of you are reading and that Sergei already has...

raised in

1 week!!!!!

That's $170 on with my Chip-in and $195 given directly through the Angel Tree page here! (Sergei is in the 4th row down). 

Thank you so much to those who have donated!!!!!!!   Thank you so much to those who are spreading the word!  Thank you so much to those who are PRAYING for Sergei to find a family and to be cared for by somebody this day over in his country. 
Friends, please keep helping me help Sergei.  I can't do this alone and so appreciate everyone's help and concern!  Keep it coming!!!!!

Here are some updated pictures of the knitted items that my very talented sister-in-law has JUST finished knitting this week!  They look amazing!!!!!

She'll be working on the super cute boy's hat soon, so stay tuned for those pictures. 
Don't forget about the Keurig Coffee Brewer and the $100 Amazon gift card, too! 
See previous post for fundraiser details!
Thanks so much!!

P.S. To donate, Click on the "Chip In" button on the side of my blog.  It goes right to PayPal.

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