Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ode to Chocolate Milk

Now that Kai is talking more, he's also started singing songs on his own. Even better than that is he's starting to change the words to the songs and apply his own joys and experiences to them! I love it! He learned Jingle Bells at school and he loves to sing it over and over again...especially the "Hey!" part at the very end. Anyway, he was eating lunch and broke into song when I gave him his drink...."Chocolate Milk, Chocolate Milk, Chocolate all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse all day. HEY!" (to the tune of Jingle Bells).

He also loves the song "Baby It's Cold Outside". I have an old recording with Dean Martin singing it and we sing it whenever we go outside (yes, because it's FREEZING here!). It is so funny to hear a 3 year old sing, "Baby it's cold outside. No cabs to be had outside..." He doesn't even know what a cab is! So last night we were all sitting on the couch eating ice cream and he starts singing, "Baby it's cold in my mouth..." Hahaha! I love improv!


Unknown said...

Kai is a genius.
How adorable and creative. I love it when little kids sing songs and put in their own words.

I was singing Kai's lyrics to Dad just now. We were laughing with joy about Kai's creativity --- and Abby came running over to the computer. She must have thought it all sounded like fun, too.

Christy said...

Too funny ! The kid has talent!! I think I'll be singing "chocolate milk, chocolate milk, chocolate all the way..." all day!